Environmental sustainability
Explore our environmental priorities below.
We are reducing the impact of our operations on the environment and improving our approach to waste management, packaging, energy use and more.

Reduced GHG emissions
for our enterprise operations by 11% from our 2020 baseline. On track to achieve net-zero by 2050!
of eligible stores partnered to a food recovery agency.¹

In 2022, we assessed 10,000+ control brand plastic packaging items and are on track to achieve 100% compliance with the Golden Design Rules by 2025.
provided to biodiversity conservation and restoration projects every year.

Got questions? Want to learn more?
Contact us
dei@loblaw.ca(Open in a new tab)As a part of our culture of integrity, it is important that non-compliant and unethical matters are reported.
Call the Integrity Action Line: 1-800-525-7868 (available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Spanish and Korean languages); or visit www.integrityactionline.com (available in English, French and Spanish languages).